Wednesday 3 July 2013

Jaberu - Kakadu

Aboriginal Guide telling us about his tribal laws etc. 

Day 2 in Jaberu Ubirr (oobirr)

On our way to Ubirr we stopped off at Bowali
visiter centre which is quite big and has lots of information on Aborigine Culture etc

When we got to Ubirr we were lucky to tag onto a group who had 2 guides explaining different sights within  this area. Markis told his story from his Aborgininal background what he learned from his Grandfather. He also explained to us his culture and their Laws which never change compared toWhite-man
law (he  is always changing them).

This is Markis Grandfather  the family have lived in this area for long time. When he died Grandfather didn't want to be buried because his spirit would be buried with him so he was laid to rest in a cave high up in the mountain.

This is very special to see this, it had the Ranger going for his camera

Hope you can see this Jaberu Bird sitting on the edge of this rock-face he stayed in this position for 20 mins.
We did more climbing today (just for a change) but it was worth it for the 360deg views we saw from the top. Looking down over theWet lands and wondering how many Crocs were in there and over to weird shapes and sizes of Stone formations.

One of many photo's we have of Aboriginal Rock Art
This is one of the many Rock paintings to be seen in this area Markis explained their meaning and when he was finished his talk he asked if there was any questions... a young boy said he thought it was like a Wipe-board to him (the old and the new) Markis said yes but we are not allowed to wipe ours it is our history.

He also mentioned you fella's in tall building make lots of laws, then you change them.
We have our laws and never change them, if you ignore them you in big trouble, could end up with spear through your leg.

Crocodile was spotted by us just of the far bank
This is the river crossing over the border into Arnhem Land and you need a permit before you can travel there

David & I stood in the Aligator River then  we went up to the lookout where we took this photo and there was a crocadile swimming just 30 metres from where we were standing.

Not very smart as we could have been his dinner.

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