Brenda standing on
"London Bridge", just out of Sandstone Rock, which is on the fringe of the Gold Fields of Western Australia. It is part of a larger formation about 800 mtrs long, varying in height from 3 to 10 metres. It is formed of weathered Basalt and Rock Formation and is believed to be about 350 million years old.
How did they get Brenda up there? |
The main street of
Cue, another town on the edge of the Gold Fields. Gold was discovered in the 1890's and the town grew quickly to more than 10,000 people. Today the population is less than 100. Many of the old buildings have disapeared. There is a constant stream of novice prospectors coming and going, hoping their detectors will help make their fortune. The man adjacent to us in the park showed us his find for the day, which he said was worth about $60.
Main Street in Cue W.A. |
These buildings made of locally quarried Limestone Slabs still stand today and are used for the Police Station, Post Office and Op Shop.
They don't make them like this anymore. |
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